Wednesday, April 25, 2007

7 Tips To Supercharge Your Seduction Success!

Part of learning any new technology is understanding some basic principles. So here are some tips that I have found have helped many people with the initial Seduction learning curve. Remember, a huge part of Seduction is learning to use your language to...

Capture and Lead A Woman's Imagination and Emotions!

As I have taught again and again, whatever you can get a person to imagine will be perceived by them to be their own thought, and thus will not be resisted. Women especially like to be led by their imagination and emotions! Then, and only then, will they give you the behaviors (love, sex, etc) that you crave and want. Remember, women want good feelings, and all of the tools and language patterns in these articles are geared toward either doing this or gathering the information you need to do this.

Tip 1: The patterns are examples, NOT rules. Many people think that unless they present the patterns to women, word for word, that they won't work or get results. THIS IS JUST 100% FALSE! The patterns are only examples..very GOOD examples..of the kinds of communication that turn women on. They give you the structure. But they aren't meant to be rigidly or exclusively followed. Learn from them HOW they work, and you'll be able to quickly create your own patterns.

Tip 2: Women enjoy the patterns, so forget about being caught. So many beginning clients feel like they are doing something wrong...a small minor crime like picking a pocket or stealing a wrist-watch when they approach women to do the patterns! Hey..the patterns are designed to make women feel wonderful! At the very least you are brightening her day and doing her a favor and at best turning her on unlike anyone else ever has! So far from feeling bad, you ought to excited about the gift you are giving her!

Tip 3: Practice the patterns outloud! The patterns are meant to be SPOKEN, not read! You can't really master the tonality and tempo unless you practice OUTLOUD! THIS STEP IS CRITICAL!

Tip 4: Take a little bit each day! Seduction is like learning a whole new language and a whole new way of thinking! Be fair to yourself and master it all naturally as it comes! Take your time and just do a little bit every day! You'll be shocked at how much you master in just a few weeks time!

Tip 5: Pattern Flow Is Important! One of the most crucial skills is knowing how to transition from one pattern to another! You can make flash cards to quickly learn how to flow from one pattern to the next! If you haven't done that...DO IT NOW!

Tip 6: Understand The Conversational Set-ups! Patterns are hard to use if you don't know how to introduce them and bring them up in conversation! For each pattern you want to use you ought to have at least two ways of bringing it up!

Tip 7: Practice Your Closing! So many guys have told me they've run patterns but when it comes time to closing the deal..they are stuck! Well, as I have said, if you want a result, you've got to rehearse it! So prepare your closes in advance so they flow from you naturally and without thought when you need them! Along those lines, here are some EXCELLENT closes:

Close #1: Why don't we continue this somewhere else and see how much we can enjoy each other's company?

Close #2: It's too bad you're not the type of person who can imagine being together, feeling and doing all the things you love to feel and do..for all the reasons that make sense to you..but as you think about it just like that..doesn't it just seem that spending some time together is something we have to do?

Close #3: So..what steps would we have to take in order to make sure we can talk again?

Close #4: I have an intuition..and I don't know if you can imagine this as I describe it..that when we get a chance to talk without time pressures or interruptions...we'll really enjoy each other's company..and I'm wondering if there's a number where you feel comfortable having me call you.

Till next time..


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

How To Turn That "Friend" Into Your Devoted Lover!

I guess around the world and guys from every walk of life, from every kind of culture, In every age range, you'd think guys have different problems wIih women.

But when it comes to women, I've learned, we are pretty much the same.

We all face pretty much the same challenges.

We are all pretty much trying to figure out the same puzzles.

Now, here is a question I have seen many times. I'll let the reader speak in his own voice:

"My name is XXX and I am 18 and from Ireland. I think your material is absolutely fantastic and it has thought me so many little things in which you should never, ever do with women! And for that I thank you most grateful .I don't know where you learned all of this but it really is great.

I have a problem though, and I know you are probably a very busy person who won't reply to this but I am going to write it none the less. I am completely falling for one of my friends. I feel a very strong sexual attraction towards her, perhaps stronger than I have ever felt before. I have never been closer to a girl. We talk for hours, we are physically close when we are with each other but I think she may be afraid of abandoning friendship. This is a serious gripe in my side. Is there anything I could do effectively to bring out her true feelings and desires without blatantly asking her? I suppose I want to know how do you tell when a girl gets close to you whether she is a friend or something more."

Ok, Mr. X.

The first thing to realize is, even if this girl is totally attracted to you, to the point where she is having nightly fantasies about you and her doing the nasty "grown-up" thang, there is just about zero chance, especially given her young age, that she is going to make the first physical move.

Sorry, but that just isn't the way it works.

I really wish it weren't the case that we guys almost always have to go first.

But that is how it works.

So if you were hoping for her to make a move, or tell you herself, it's unlikely to happen.

Now, even if she is afraid of "losing the friendship" that doesn't mean you have to let her fears dictate where you or her are going to go.

As I have said before, one of the key aspects of being a leader with women, is to see where they are at, without having to go there for yourself.

That is, you can understand her emotions, without having to take them on for yourself.

Her fear is just that; H-E-R-S.

Stand your ground, and set the lead

Does that make sense?

Now, having set that, there are some things you can do to accelerate this sexually and see just where you really stand.

First of all, let me tell you what I do NOT recommend.

I do NOT recommend suddenly grabbing and kissing her.


It's too rough a jump.

To go from zero contact to erotic contact(like kissing) is just too abrupt.

So I would recommend you do some testing of her physical boundaries first.

Now, it just so happens, women have 3 "erotic hot spots" that seem like totally innocent places to touch.

These are:

1. The back of the neck
2. The small of the back
3. The palm(and thumb)

Here is what you can do:

When you are talking to her, get up to go to the bathroom, but as you do, reach out, and with the palm of your hand, gently rub the back of your neck.

Notice her response. If she inhales sharply, moans with pleasure, melts under your touch, then you are on your way!

Another thing you can do is to offer to read her palm. Don't' ask me how to do palm reading; go to the library and get a book on it.

Anyway, you can mostly make it up. Tell her her palm shows she is lonely. Trace your finger on her palm and tell her that her love line is very strong, that she has strong desires. Explain also that the palm is a strong energy center, then take your thumb and rub her palm with your thumb.

If you see her get the "doggy dinner bowl" look; the look that says, "kiss me now" then lean in and kiss her! If she pulls back, don't apologize! Just look at her and say, "hmmm…it just seemed like you needed it"!

Another thing to do is to put your palm briefly on the small of her back when you are walking somewhere. Don't keep it there. Just use it to guide her briefly and then take it away. The small of the back is a strong sexual energy center.

The best advice is: learn from this. Don't be too attached to this outcome with this girl. Remember this belief;

I either get what I want, or learn what I need to in order to get what I want or even BETER, next time.

If you see all of this through the filter of THAT belief, you will do way better with this girl than if you HAVE to "win".

Good luck, and let us know how it turns out.

Monday, April 23, 2007

7 Power Attitudes To Skyrocket Your Success With Women!

It's been said that "attitude" determines your "altitude". In other words, the way you THINK about yourself and a subject will be as important as what you do.

Well, let's not knock doing the right thing. Effective action, especially with women, is REQUIRED.

However, your attitude is a big part of how attractive women will find you. You can consider your attitude to be like the conductive medium through which the electricity of your BEHAVIOR will flow. If we take electric current and try to pass it through:

a. A sheet of cardboard

b. A sheet of copper foil

Which will conduct the current best? Of course, you don't need to be a physics major to answer: the copper foil. Just so, your attitude with WOMEN will determine just how well your "moves" are received. Doesn't that make sense?

With that in mind I give you:

POWER ATTITUDES for ultimate success with women.

1. Being with me is the best possible choice any woman can make.

Now, can you prove that this is true? No, of course not. It isn't a factual statement about an objective truth; it's a position you choose to come from. Now, never verbalize this attitude, for Christ sake. Don't get right in a woman's face and say, "being with me is the best choice you can make, baby. But show it in how you act.

2. I consistently display the willingness to walk away.

This is one MOST "chumps" miss. You see, if a woman doesn't get, somewhere in her mind, that she could POSSIBLY do something to lose you, she will never really feel deep passion for you.

If you are ALWAYS there for her, no matter what, then in the back of her mind, she will de-value you, to a greater or lesser degree. Somewhere, somehow, in the back of her mind (or even the front) she must realize that she COULD one day lose you!

3. I give a woman a little bit of what she wants, and then pull back and make her work for more.

As sad as it seems, if you are too giving to a woman, too soon, you come off as hungry and needy and she just winds up dumping you. You see, guys who are successful with women give a free sample, but nice guy losers give away the store. You must, no MUST learn to say "no", make yourself a little scarce and unavailable, and keep her a little bit in doubt.

4. I always come from the place of being determined to do what works.

So many times I've had people whine to me, "Why can't I just be myself?" What that really means is, "I want to be lazy and do what I've always done all along, even though it doesn't work!"

Look, to really win big in life, you have to be consistent. And that means applying these principles, all the time, even when you don't particularly feel like it, and especially if you are in a slump.

5. I never attach excess meaning to winning or losing with women.

I can do a whole issue on this one, but basically what I mean is to realize that if a woman accepts you, it doesn't mean that the next one will, so stay on your toes, and don't get lazy or sloppy. (See item #4 directly above)

And if she rejects you, it just means that the approach you tried, at this particular time, with this particular woman, hasn't worked...yet. It might work at another time with her, or you may just need another approach. Even if it doesn't, as I once told a friend of mine who only thought he saw me get rejected... Dan, I never get rejected. I only discover if a woman has good taste!!

6. I don't need to win all the time; I size up a woman's potential and either go for it or move on and cut my losses FAST.

Sometimes the best choice is just to say, "adios" and move on. When you realize that you don't have to win all the time, and then it takes the pressure off and you become much more relaxed. Ironically, and paradoxically, this almost always leads to your winning far more often than you ever imagined possible!!!!

7. I never know what physical type a woman will go for so I always for it congruently and powerfully.

Listen: women are much more individualistic in what they like, physically speaking. I once had a gorgeous young thing tell me that if Mel Gibson or Tom Cruise asked her out, she'd say, "no" because she only liked tall, thin black men!! You just don't know, so go for it anyway.

Aren't those just great? Can you imagine how great you'll do with women when you have these attitudes down and are manifesting them in your life?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

How To Get Any Girl Steaming Hot, In MINUTES!

In the last posts, I laid out the basic operating theory of Speed Seduction: that women have internal, subjective "recipes" for love, lust, chemistry, attraction etc that they run on themselves quite outside of their conscious awareness.

I pointed out also that this "process" produces the "feelings" that they base their actions, decisions and choices on when it comes to us poor horny men!.

Therefore, as smart guys, we are no longer going to be fooled by "dating" thinking or "dating" questions which entirely ignore this vital information about how women get "feelings" and what is really important for us as seducers to think about.

So instead of being what I call A.F.C's (Average Frustrated Chumps) we are going to learn to enter of the world of Seduction and learn to rapidly trigger these internal feeling recipes that produce these feeling "states" so we can quickly and easily enjoy power, choice and variety with women most guys just have to wish and long for.

The key then is to ask the question: What kind of "states" do I want this woman to experience with me? And how can I trigger these states using my language: the themes I talk about, the stories I tell, the descriptions of my experiences I give, and the questions I ask?

You see, one key secret to getting a woman to undergo all her internal feeling recipes or "states" is..


Yes, my friends, old Guru clears up another mystery here: by talking about "feelings" women tend to unconsciously trigger their internal feeling "recipes" or processes, which then of course..

Makes the Feelings More Vivid And Real!

For men, talking is mostly about conveying a message or information. It can be the same for women, but much the time, talking is their way of unconsciously triggering these "recipe" programs that run outside of their awareness, so they can..

Enjoy These Intense Feelings Again!

What I am saying here is that there is an actual ongoing brain process where-by the language centers of the brain, when triggered by speech, somehow stimulate or cause her internal feeling recipes or processes for love, lust, attraction (or any other strong feeling state, positive or negative) so that these processes get run again and she can have the "feeling" experience.

Hey.. I just explained TWO mysteries: why women are so "into" their "feelings" and why they love to talk so much! Nobel Prize, anybody?

Ok. Let's now give you a peek at some of the actual Seduction tools you can use over coffee, on a first meeting, or wherever you find yourself talking to a woman.

The first tool I want to introduce you to is conversational set ups and themes.

You see, it usually isn't considered normal or socially acceptable to launch into immediate discussions of have women experience "attraction" "chemistry" "connection" or "lust".

As important as these experiences may be, you need some way of introducing them into conversation so you appear to be a normal, non-threatening guy.

So let me introduce you to some key part of the Seduction framework. In the brief example below we'll talk about conversational set-ups, quotes, embedded commands, priming patterns and trigger questions. Used in combination, these can get a woman to unconsciously run virtually any feeling recipe/state so she has the resulting feelings that will lead to the behaviors you want.

Conversational Set-Ups

Conversational set ups allow you, after just a bit of small talk, to bring up those themes, subjects and topics that are far more likely to trigger these "states" we are after in a woman: deep rapport, comfort, connection, fascination, lust, desire, chemistry etc.

Again, they let you avoid the taboo against discussing such things right off the bat or discussing them directly with someone you just met. And you can't just walk up to a woman and command, "YOU WILL FEEL LUST FOR ME".

A good way to bring up these "heavier" topics is to use a pattern called quotes. Quotes involves simply quoting a conversation or topic that you were having with a friend, or something that you heard in a seminar or read in a magazine or saw on t.v.

Quotes allow you to naturally bring up almost any topic in a non-threatening way. Why? Because you aren't addressing something to her directly. Just quoting what you said or heard said. So it is less threatening.

Also, we tend to use this pattern in language naturally all the time ANYWAY, as in, "Did you hear what Ross said to Rachel on "Friends"? etc etc.etc. The unconscious mind tends to recognize patterns of communication more than it does actual content. So if it feels to the unconscious like a natural pattern of communication (quoting someone else) then the actual content becomes a lot more acceptable.

So let's say you want to trigger that subjective "state" in a woman that involves feeling like there is a wild adventure- a real opportunity she has to act on RIGHT now or she'll lose it forever.

Here's how to use quotes to bring it up,

"You know, I was having the most interesting discussion the other night with an old friend I had not seen in years(Conversational set-up, quoting you and your friend)

The next thing we are going to do is use a bit of language I call a "weasel phrase". Weasel phrases just set up the person to make a deep search of their inner experience without making it seem like you are giving a direct command.

You can't directly say, for example, "I command you to go inside your memory and remember what it is like to feel something and then feel that way with me".

Instead, when you use the weasel phrase "have you ever" it is actually a command but it sounds like an innocent question.

For example, if I wrote, "Have you ever read something and it just seemed so fascinating, you realized you want to learn more/"

It's actually a command to go into your memory and recall it, but it is much easier to disguise the command into the form of a question about your experience because that way you don't resist it.

Make sense? Let's continue with our example

"By the way, HAVE YOU EVER just had a friend, and you could just FEEL SO COMFORTABLE…FEEL SO CLOSE(embedded commands-giving her commands to feel comfortable and close by bringing up the situation and hiding the commands inside a description of the situation-sneaky, isn't it). You could just FEEL LIKE YOU CAN SAY ANTHING?(another command to feel free to talk).

Notice here we threw in a few suggestions and commands: FEEL SO COMFORTABLE. FEEL SO CLOSE. FEEL LIKE YOU CAN SAY ANYTHING.

We didn't suggest or command directly. We hid them inside that "have you ever" weasel phrase-something that looked a question about her experience but was actually a command to go inside and search her memory.

Sneaky, sneaky, I know. But it works. Onward.

"So we were talking about how sometimes life presents an opportunity..and you realize that if you don't take the opportunity to have an adventure, you'll lose it forever.(focusing in on the topic now)

Ok. Now we are going to use a "pattern" or priming example: this is a description of your experience or someone else's experience. It is designed to "prime the pump" and begin to activate the structures of her brain and mind that produce and run her "recipes" as we discussed in the last newsletter.

"Like for example he was telling me how he had a chance to take a police car for a joy-ride..and how he could just FEEL THIS EXCITEMENT(another command embedded in your story) and it was just like this other part of him came out and he had to take this ride."

Note that little bit about "take this ride"-said with the right tonality it becomes a piece of sexual metaphor. This a way to help guide the "recipe" process towards triggering something that will produce sexual feelings. Note that it is not guaranteed to do this, by itself. It is just priming the pump. A start.

Now we are going to use "have you ever again" again to get her to talking. Why? Because please remember it is by talking women revivify and trigger their most intense and important feeling processes/recipes.

When she talks about her processes and "recipes" and experiences, she can experience the intense feelings we want her to have, and then we can link them to us.

Using "Have You Ever" A Second Time

We've used "have you ever" once to begin to prime her memory. Now we use "have you ever" again but this time it will activate those feeling recipes and processes by getting her to talk about them.:

"So I think because you can learn a lot about a person from that, have you ever had an experience like that..where you just had to go with an adventure that was in your path…take a ride that just seemed so irresistible?"

What have we done here? In just a few minutes we:

1. introduced a topic, guided her memory and imagination for a very important and powerful feeling "recipe" and process

2. gotten her to talk about it to revivify it and make it real again, all in what sounds like an innocent and completely normal conversation.

Not bad at all. Considering you can learn to do this in a 20 minute conversation, and you begin now to see the potential for unleashing your love life!

One more point: when you watch a woman as she describes these experiences, you will see her begin to strongly have these feelings. Often her face will flush, her breathing will get heavier, and she'll get what I call DDBL or the..

Doggie Dinner Bowl Look!

This is an expression similar to the ones my Dalmations I had as a kid would get when I would show them the can of dog food through the window so they knew it was feeding time!

Now, once a woman is experiencing these strong feeling states in your presence, because she's running her internal "feeling recipe" it's really only a short matter of time before you are baking your brownies in her oven(to use a metaphor again!).

Remember: women act on strong feelings. As long as the feelings are there, as the end result of her running her internal "recipes" she will not in any way realize or know how they came about.

She will only feel them, feel happy they are there and feel glad that you will be feeling her in all those ways her nice guy "friends" will never get to.

Ok. I don't want to overwhelm you . The study of using conversational set ups, quotes, priming patterns, embedded commands, command questions and other tools-this study is the core of Speed Seduction. But do go out and try some of this stuff and you'll be shocked to see it works and works amazingly well.

Just remember a key rule: Speed Seducers never communicate just to be flapping your lips. Communicate with an outcome in mind so you can direct and trigger her feeling "recipes" in the direction you want, you the result you want is what you get!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

10 Really Bad Ways to Meet Women

For those of you strike out masters that think you have mad game that women just don’t recognize yet – you need to read this. Here at Seduction Manual we want to make sure that you are making the most of your efforts in the web that is the wide world of dating. There are just as many don’ts to the dating world as there are "dos". Here are 10 that made that made the Seduction Manual list.

No Following

Okay can you spell stalker? Never follow or appear to be "stalking" a girl to ask her out. By the time you get close enough to her she has already given your description to the local authorities. If you are going to approach a female do it "swiftly" not like you are agent for a secret service of purse snatchers.

Don't Burst Her Bubble

Give her some space – as if she is surrounded by a bubble. Don’t invade her bubble by bum rushing her and getting right in her grill. One way to measure how much space you should maintain between yourself and a female "initially" is ARM’S LENGTH. If you are less than a handshake away with someone new then you are too close.

It's All About Her

Want to strike out quick? Talk about YOU until she rolls her eyes. Women like attention. Talking about your stuff and not her stuff is NOT giving her attention it is commanding it. If you want to command her attention, get her talk about her.

Doctor Doctor!

The clinic, hospital or especially the therapy office in my opinion are the last place a girl feels sexy. Your chances of getting any action are slim but you might catch something else. Note to self: When a women is at the doctor treating her kitty – RUN.

In The Name Of The Lord

Okay for you hardcore guys out there that can not resist TEMPTATION – you heard it here first. Don’t hit on chicks at church. What kind of slug tries to get laid in the name of the Lord? Shame on you, how could you possibly be trusted after an act of blasphemy.

Kids In Tow?

Nobody likes the MILFs as much as I do but when a mother is with her child that is not the ULTIMATE time in HER BOOK that she wants to be hit on. If you have to do it at all, wait until she puts the kids in the car and before she gets in you ask her so the kids don’t hear.

The Loo

I would guess that hitting a female anywhere near a ladies room or worse a men’s room is kinda gross and in my opinion it also makes the creepy list - see #1. Do you really want to shake hands or introduce yourself to a women who just dropped a deuce seconds earlier?


This one should have been higher on the list but I just thought of it. Movie theatres or any dark environment that does not include alcohol is off limits. Approaching women in a movie theatre, dark alley or dark parking lot is worse than #1.

Order In Court

You must really have a set of nuts on you if you are waiting for your turn in front of the judge and all you can think about is the female felons sharing the same bench. Women in a court room have a lot on their mind and your penis is not it. What gal wants a guy that has legal problems? Not my sister – she divorced her husband for getting a DUI (plus he was fat).

Honey & Vinegar

You will catch more flies with HONEY than Vinegar. Insults and sarcastic comments are not the way to make a first impression. Don’t tease with pseudo insults and quips – instead you should say sweet things that make her feel GOOD.

Guys, these are fundamental basics of "common sense". The most important thing to remember is "WHEN IN DOUBT, DON’T". If you live by that rule you can manage yourself effectively in both your approach and your ongoing success with a female. Always assume that the girl you are interested in is someone’s daughter or sister or mother. How would you want a man to approach your mom or your sister or your daughter? Once you answer that question you have your answer because then you will know what she does NOT like. Your mom or your sister or your daughter would want to the guy to smart, charming and at least APPEAR to know what he is doing. Dating is not brain surgery but if you do it wrong – the subject dies.

Friday, April 20, 2007

How To Have Immediate, Easy, Natural Confidence With Women…

Half of the Seduction systems is the language techniques that call a woman's deepest feelings and emotions to the surface, and, within minutes, link those super-charged positive feelings to you so she….

-Is Driven To Want You Like A Bear To A Picnic!

But the other half are the incredible and very quick methods that give you the confidence(even despite years of fear and shyness) to actually…

-Go Out In Life And Use The Methods!

You see, the best techniques for seduction women are useless if you don't have the confidence to actually use them.

And, if you are pushing great techniques through a wall of fear, then that fearful energy will get all over the techniques like a brown fog, and the techniques will fall flat.

Now, most guys spend far too much time trying to "get it right" in their heads before they will actually try anything in the field.

But often, what works best, is what I call "acceptance" confidence.

This means that, when it comes to something a bit new and scary, you simply admit the truth to yourself WITHOUT any drama around it.

For example, you might think, quite truthfully:

1. I don't know what will happen if I go talk to that girl(truth, you don't know! You can only GUESS!)

2. I don't like the fact that I don't know(truth again. You aren't saying you can't take it or that it is awful, just that you don't like it. Fair enough)

3. Let's go talk to her and find out what happens, at least I will learn SOMETHING and I might have some fun. (again, truth. You can always learn something and indeed, you might indeed have fun with it)

The bottom line here is why it is great and useful to rehearse feeling, looking, sounding and acting in new ways, sometimes, for some guys who are already too trapped "in their heads", aiming at being smooth or polished or poised is the wrong thing to aim at!

Aim instead at "neutrality" which simply means looking at what is true and refusing to dramatize the rest.

Now, let me add one last rule that will totally free you to relax and have fun with even the hottest women, from start to finish; from the initial opening approach all the way to having your way with her.

"99% of the time, the worst that will happen is that NOTHING will happen".

This image of women being vicious, cold, rejecting etc is MOSTLY just a Hollywood movie fiction.

With the exception of clubs where women can often ACT that way(doesn't mean they really are that way, just that they are putting up a shield to avoid being mobbed by guys), most women just don't care enough to be nasty to you if they don't like your approach!

It's too big a waste of their energy and leaves THEM in a bad mood if they are mean to you.

99% of the time, if a woman isn't interested, the worst that will happen is nothing.

She won't yell at you.

She won't give you a mean look.

She won't call you names or call a cop.

If she isn't interested in you, she simply won't do anything.

She just won't respond or will respond very casually.

Most of the time, you will be surprised at how pleasant most women are, even if they aren't into you or interested romantically.

Ok, tune in next issue where I will reveal an easy, low-key, undetectable method to pull women to you like a magnet as soon as you enter a room. Any guy can do it, in minutes no matter how previously tongue-tied or shy you might be.
