Friday, April 20, 2007

How To Have Immediate, Easy, Natural Confidence With Women…

Half of the Seduction systems is the language techniques that call a woman's deepest feelings and emotions to the surface, and, within minutes, link those super-charged positive feelings to you so she….

-Is Driven To Want You Like A Bear To A Picnic!

But the other half are the incredible and very quick methods that give you the confidence(even despite years of fear and shyness) to actually…

-Go Out In Life And Use The Methods!

You see, the best techniques for seduction women are useless if you don't have the confidence to actually use them.

And, if you are pushing great techniques through a wall of fear, then that fearful energy will get all over the techniques like a brown fog, and the techniques will fall flat.

Now, most guys spend far too much time trying to "get it right" in their heads before they will actually try anything in the field.

But often, what works best, is what I call "acceptance" confidence.

This means that, when it comes to something a bit new and scary, you simply admit the truth to yourself WITHOUT any drama around it.

For example, you might think, quite truthfully:

1. I don't know what will happen if I go talk to that girl(truth, you don't know! You can only GUESS!)

2. I don't like the fact that I don't know(truth again. You aren't saying you can't take it or that it is awful, just that you don't like it. Fair enough)

3. Let's go talk to her and find out what happens, at least I will learn SOMETHING and I might have some fun. (again, truth. You can always learn something and indeed, you might indeed have fun with it)

The bottom line here is why it is great and useful to rehearse feeling, looking, sounding and acting in new ways, sometimes, for some guys who are already too trapped "in their heads", aiming at being smooth or polished or poised is the wrong thing to aim at!

Aim instead at "neutrality" which simply means looking at what is true and refusing to dramatize the rest.

Now, let me add one last rule that will totally free you to relax and have fun with even the hottest women, from start to finish; from the initial opening approach all the way to having your way with her.

"99% of the time, the worst that will happen is that NOTHING will happen".

This image of women being vicious, cold, rejecting etc is MOSTLY just a Hollywood movie fiction.

With the exception of clubs where women can often ACT that way(doesn't mean they really are that way, just that they are putting up a shield to avoid being mobbed by guys), most women just don't care enough to be nasty to you if they don't like your approach!

It's too big a waste of their energy and leaves THEM in a bad mood if they are mean to you.

99% of the time, if a woman isn't interested, the worst that will happen is nothing.

She won't yell at you.

She won't give you a mean look.

She won't call you names or call a cop.

If she isn't interested in you, she simply won't do anything.

She just won't respond or will respond very casually.

Most of the time, you will be surprised at how pleasant most women are, even if they aren't into you or interested romantically.

Ok, tune in next issue where I will reveal an easy, low-key, undetectable method to pull women to you like a magnet as soon as you enter a room. Any guy can do it, in minutes no matter how previously tongue-tied or shy you might be.


1 comment:

BlueOwlMusic said...

wow these are amazing stuff thanks so much for all these great information and facts i cant wait for the next issie of attracting a women just by entering a room. cause sometimes i feel wherever i go nobody sees me even though i am good looking hehe and i been told i am handsome but never from a extremly beautiful women which i want cause thats my weakness really beautiful women and i want to attract them :D